Category: Business Insurance

How Does Your Credit Score Affect Your Insurance Premium?

Have you heard that your credit score can affect how much you pay for insurance? As a consumer, you probably know everyone has a financial credit score — three of them, in fact — maintained by three major credit reporting agencies: Equifax, Experian and TransUnion. These firms compile information from financial institutions and retailers including […]

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Get On Board With the Right Commercial Fishing Insurance

Commercial fishing – whether to harvest fish, lobsters or other marine life for sale or to take others on the water for their own fishing excursion – requires a comprehensive insurance plan that protects your physical assets as well as your finances. Before dropping a single net or taking on any passengers, you’ll want to […]

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What Does an Insurance Claims Adjuster Do?

A claims adjuster (also known as an insurance adjuster) investigates and determines how much your insurance company should pay you when you make a claim for damage or losses. A property and casualty adjuster investigates automobile, business and home claims. Claims adjusters may handle property claims involving damage to vehicles or structures, or liability claims […]

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What is Inland Marine Insurance?

Don’t be fooled by the term “marine” in inland marine insurance, a kind of insurance that covers property shipped over land. The coverage was first offered by ocean marine insurers, so the word “inland” distinguishes it from cargo shipped by sea. Today, many insurers offer this coverage, with a number of policies available for specific […]

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