Category: Auto Insurance

Do You Need Insurance for Your Utility Trailer?

In most states, drivers are required to carry personal liability auto insurance. This covers your financial responsibility if you injure someone or damage their property while operating your vehicle. But what if the accident is caused by a trailer you are towing? Your personal auto policy may insure your liability for damage or injury to […]

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What Are Some Common Exclusions on Auto Insurance Policies?

There are three primary components of auto insurance.  Depending on where you live, some may be mandatory and others may be optional. Liability — Pays expenses related to bodily injury to another person or property damage caused by your vehicle Comprehensive — Reimburses any damage or replacement required for your own vehicle due to incidents […]

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How Does Your Credit Score Affect Your Insurance Premium?

Have you heard that your credit score can affect how much you pay for insurance? As a consumer, you probably know everyone has a financial credit score — three of them, in fact — maintained by three major credit reporting agencies: Equifax, Experian and TransUnion. These firms compile information from financial institutions and retailers including […]

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Motorcycle Winter Storage Tips

If you live in a climate with snowy winters, you’ll most likely be putting your motorcycle away for the season. Your bike is an investment of your finances and your time, and it’s important to think about keeping it clean and safe while the weather is cold and snowy.  When you prepare your motorcycle for […]

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What Does an Insurance Claims Adjuster Do?

A claims adjuster (also known as an insurance adjuster) investigates and determines how much your insurance company should pay you when you make a claim for damage or losses. A property and casualty adjuster investigates automobile, business and home claims. Claims adjusters may handle property claims involving damage to vehicles or structures, or liability claims […]

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Is Vehicle Damage From Rodents Covered by Personal Auto Insurance?

Many people get auto insurance for protection against collision losses. What many drivers don’t know is that a policy written for collision doesn’t necessarily cover damage from animals and other non-collision incidents, such as vandalism, earthquakes, floods and even objects falling from space. For those, you need comprehensive coverage, or “other-than-collision” insurance. Rodent damage typically […]

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